The Man Who Cried Wolf 1937

Crime Drama

An actor continually confesses to murders he didn't commit, figuring that the police won't believe him when he confesses to a murder that he actually does intend to commit.

Todos los títulos
  • US: The Man Who Cried Wolf The Man Who Cried Wolf
  • AT: Die Jagd nach dem Tod Die Jagd nach dem Tod
  • BR: Delírio da Verdade Delírio da Verdade
  • HR: Dan prije pogubljenja Dan prije pogubljenja
  • DK: Hans sidste tilståelse Hans sidste tilståelse
  • FR: Soixante-quinze minutes d'angoisse Soixante-quinze minutes d'angoisse
  • GR: Ena mystiriodes eglima Ena mystiriodes eglima
  • IT: L'uomo che gridava al lupo L'uomo che gridava al lupo
  • PT: Sou o Assassino! Sou o Assassino!
  • ES: 75 minutos de angustia 75 minutos de angustia
  • SE: Jag är skyldig Jag är skyldig
  • YU: Dan pre pogubljenja Dan pre pogubljenja
  • YU: Dan prije pogubljenja Dan prije pogubljenja
Fecha de lanzamiento 29 Aug 1937
Enlace IMDb
